“Now on DVD and Blue Ray!”
During this long couple of flood weeks and endless hours of movie watching between visits to the port a potty, hearing this phrase finally got me wondering what in the heck was so special about Blue Ray. I also started to wonder what the difference was between the DVD and the Blue Ray disk. Here is what I came up with from my research for those of you where as clueless as I was on this device.
What I gathered was that there really is no difference between the blue ray disk and the CD, DVD disk. It is made up of the same physical dimensions; however the blue ray disk can hold almost 6 times the capacity of a DVD. It derives its “blue” title from the blue laser that is used to read and write to the disk compared to DVD who uses a red laser. This was discovered my SONY. Today there are more than 1,500 Blu-ray Disc titles available in the United States.
It was not so long ago that the media world took the DVD’s in to their hands in replacement of the Video cassette tapes. Now about 10 years later they have attempted to make the digital video disk even more Hi- Def.
I remember wondering what was so special about the DVD when they first became released for general use. It was not until when I recently watched a movie on video that I immediately noticed how much more defined and clear the DVD was. It is interesting to see what will be used for movies in the next decade.
Who knows what else is to come?!
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