What would you think if you could be the #1 Music Hip Hop Artist and not even sing well? This is something to suspect of Artists such as Lil Wayne, Kanya West, and T-Pain. The reason behind this is something called Auto Tune.
Auto Tune is the new, fast, easy, highest-Quality tool for Correcting Pitch. This device has been called a "holy grail of recording," What it tool does is it corrects tone problems in vocal voices. What it does is initially digitally “corrects” singers voices. Some Artists feel this is an unfair advantage and also a way of abusing the music industry and an insult to their talent.
One group that made a solid effort towards putting a stop to artists using Auto Tuning is members of “Death Cab For Cutie”
“Auto tuning is a digital manipulation, a correction of a singer's voice that is affecting literally thousands of singers today and thousands of records that are coming out," - Ben Gibbard, Front man of Death Cab For Cutie
To further explain what auto tuning is, here are some videos to listen to what it sounds like.
Love Lockdown - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2M9YHATH2Q&feature=PlayList&p=4F5AF01E64FA7E48&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=9
Bartender - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ogBol9KfW8
Hot Revolver- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4bODGNIwcI
I think that this has somewhat of a disadvantage to the music work and could potentially change the music industry if there aren’t some restrictions put on a device like this. I don’t think it’s fair if someone not as talented can have a shot vs. the many other people in the world that to have talent.
What are your thoughts of Auto Tuning? Do you think it should be banned if not restricted?