Taking a look at the history of music, I was reminded of the six different main periods of music history. These in which are Middle age, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic. In this week’s blog I will be focusing on the Romantic Era of the music, and also looking at their composers and Historical Themes. Also I will be comparing how this period of music can be compared to music today.
The Romanic period was set in 1825-1900 and had many historical themes. It was a rise of European nationalism in many areas of Europe. Countries such as Italy struggled to free themselves from foreign control. This period was also a growing independence for the arts. Art during this time was coming to be more appreciated for its artistic worth, and also new ideas for the artist and fine arts were created.
This era was also a changing position of musicians. Composing was seen not only that of an occupation but as a calling. It was also a time when women found opportunities to express themselves by performing. This aspect was still fairly limited.
Now when I am writing, I started to wonder how this musical period related to today’s music. There is an array of different love songs these days. It seems as though most new songs are about artists singing there sorrows about their lover’s right??
However, one song that is based on Chapin’s Prelude in C minor during the Romanic era was Barry Manilow’s “Could It Be Magic” from 1970 something.
Below are some more links to Songs considered to be modern Romantic songs.