Before I drove myself crazy from homework and solitude, I recently decided to get away and drive to Fargo to see a flick. Once reaching the movie theater, we realized that there wasn’t anything that we haven’t seen, or a movie that we wanted to see. So we nonchalantly picked a random movie neither of us knew anything about called State of Play starring Russell Crow.
After our popcorn purchase, we headed towards the right to theater 6, sat down and starred aimlessly as the movie previews. It was then that I looked around to see that my boyfriend and I were the only people in the theater under at least the 50 years of age. We then started observing the age of everyone that started walking in door, and it was after what looked like the whole Red Hats Society of Fargo entered the row in front of us that we decided to ditch that movie as soon as I love You, Man started at 7:45pm. Until then we sat back while State of Play took over the big screen…..
To my great surprise, this movie ridiculously put my pessimism to shame. It was by far one the better movies I have seen in a long time. This mystery thriller not only kept me on my seat, but it showed great examples of Mass Media in the Newspaper.
The movie starts off with the death of a woman who happened to be the lead research assistant and romantic partner of a married Congressmen played by Ben Affleck. Once the information is brought to Congressmen Collins attention, word gets out to the media that he was indeed having an affair with this woman. This is of course a politician’s nightmare.
Meanwhile newspaper reporter Cal McAffrey (Russell Cow) is eagerly trying to get a front page story out of the scandal while at the same time looking out for his long time college friend….the congressman. Dun Dun Dunnnn. The story then unfolds into a murder mystery at the expense of having the politician’s reputation destroyed by the exposure to the media.
I'm going to stop now so I don’t ruin it for those who plan to see it!
The film was an interesting view point from the newspaper/journalist perspective. It also brought some excitement to the medium, and made journalism seem a bit more exciting considering the many other sources that people to go to get news before the newspaper today.
The moral of this blog is…..
Not only would I suggest seeing this movie before you go into cardiac arrest from doing too much homework….and not only should we give the newspapers a bit more credit as a form of media….but old people have a darn good judgment on movies!!